Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Two hours well spent.

It's the night before compre, and I just spent a good two hours hanging out at the medstones with a few of my classmates. All of us reluctant to spend the night studying, all of us wanting to spend just a little time reminiscing on the year that was. And so we did. We looked back on enrollment and the first days of school, the first impressions that certain personalities made on us. We recalled some special moments that our class has shared. We remembered the professors that have made an impact on us, whether good or bad. And we sadly looked to the future, on our eventual separation, as we will be split into two blocks in second year, and into more blocks the years thereafter.

We may have lost two hours' worth of miscellaneous facts that we could have crammed into our heads for tomorrow's exam. Those two hours might cost us a few points. But for me, they were two hours well spent. I spent them with a few of the people I have trudged through first year med with. People I've listened in and slept through class with. People I've studied and laughed and shared stories and spent the wee hours of one morning practicing a dance number with. Our class, class 2014 is made up of such unique and wonderful people. We may be known for being quite a noisy and unruly class, but I wouldn't have us any other way. I can't imagine being a part of any other class.


  1. Well said, Mindy. I enjoyed that moment. Sa uulitin!

  2. "I can't imagine being a part of any other class." -- let's not be! haha kaya we study hard! :)
