Thursday, January 28, 2010


(-) Losing my pencil case along with my USB. :(

(+) My Gibo encounter. "Buti na lang kamukha mo mommy mo." Hahaha. More than ever, I wish I were a registered voter. :(
(+) Fr. Francis' homily. He brought a whole new insight to the parable of the sower.
(+) Two-hour nap. Sleep is easy to take for granted. You don't realize how much you lack sleep until you finally get some.
(+) Ruari time. Always a plus, on any day.
(+) HOME. On a Wednesday! Two days before the endo exam, which reportedly has a 10% passing rate.
(+) A balikbayan box with a whole new wardrobe from Ate Rina, my primary motivation to go home in the first place.

All in all, a very good day. Thank You. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy blog birthday!

This is what I found in my search for a birthday cake to post in this entry. Now I love penguins more than anyone I know. But this is kind of freaky, even for me. Kind of like eating a live penguin. Imagine if it were red velvet cake. Haha.

Today marks my blog's first birthday/anniversary. I didn't anticipate this date much, I just happened to be browsing through my old entries and saw that my first entry was on this day, one year ago. Back when the things I was concerned with included organic chemistry and med school applications. Last week I performed a neurologic physical exam on an actual patient. And just yesterday, the list of this year's applicants who qualified for the interview was released. Amazing how much happens in a year's time.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


An earthquake yesterday, a fire today. What is the world coming to? Apparently the Armageddon of 2009 is making its way into 2010 as well. This can't all be due to global warming, can it? :|

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Let's go to Bali

I'm taking a break from my neuro lab review to finally write my first blog entry of the year. Not that I was getting much done, as is usually the case when I attempt to study in the condo amidst the countless distractions calling out to me. Just like this blog entry, which has been waiting to be written for weeks now. I had planned on coming up with a long, winding recap of 2009, but Christmas break got to me. And now we're two weeks into 2010.

The moral of 2009 is be careful what you wish for. The earlier part of the year was soooo laid back for me, sometimes unbearably so. The second semester of fourth year college was the lightest I'd ever had. And though I enjoyed summer immensely, there was only so much free time I could take. So I dreamed of being busy. I couldn't wait for med school to start, to immerse myself in everything it had to offer.

That's when everything started happening. Both good and bad. Moving into Manila was quite an adjustment, more so than I'd imagined it would be. And barely a week into the school year, there came that scare with Mama. I met 159 new people, and getting to know them a little bit better everyday is still quite the adventure. I turned 22. Within that same month, Ondoy happened. And we all know how that rocked our world. I joined a sorority (!), which changed my life in so many ways, the best of which is having 11 strong and beautiful girls as my sisters.

I made decisions I'm not proud of. I let down a few people, some of whom deserved it the least. I let my insecurities get the better of me, more than once. I'm trying to make amends for all of these now. This year, 2010, is the year for that. For striking a balance. Just like Elizabeth Gilbert, 2010 will be my Bali. If I were the type to make new year's resolutions, this would be it.

This blog will be a year old at the end of this month. Time does fly. It's quite a feat for me to have kept this thing up for a year, so congratulations and happy anniversary to meeeeee. :D