Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Graduation weekend

It's now Wednesday afternoon, three days after an incredibly eventful graduation weekend. I meant to write about everything sooner, but I guess I've just been reeling. I've spent the past three days at home, catching up on Grey's Anatomy and other shows via SurfTheChannel or SideReel, save for yesterday afternoon, when Ruari and I watched 17 Again, as per Karen's recommendation. I haven't been able to get myself to exercise, which I sorely need after having indulged myself over the weekend. Not to mention the occasional potato chips and cookies here at home while watching my shows.

Anyway, grad. Saturday was the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Graduation at the University Theater, while Sunday was the University Graduation at the Quezon Hall Amphitheatre. Now looking back, the two days were mostly a blur of sablays, white dresses, medals, flashing cameras, lining up in the heat, sorority paraphernalia, heels sinking in the grass, and endless smiles. But there was also a delicious family dinner, a hospital visit, an alarming fire, a miraculous sunny day following a rainy week, and a renewed friendship. :)

All in all, it was a wonderful graduation. I really couldn't have asked for anything more. Except for that brief moment when I thought I might lose something so precious, the weekend was perfect. I felt too blessed, if such a thing were possible.

Amidst all the excitement for med, graduation gave me a chance to also relish my last moments as an undergrad, to reminisce on my four-year stint as a psych major in UP Diliman. Though I didn't shed any tears, nor was I able to sing UP Naming Mahal without looking at the lyrics, I still very much felt the UP spirit. School spirit is not something I feel everyday, unlike students from other universities. But I felt it then, and I felt thankful. Thankful for the past four years behind me, and thankful as well for the five years yet to come, all of which I have carried and will proudly carry the name Iskolar ng Bayan. :)

Ruari took this. :) Could I pass for a college graduate?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Time is nothing.

I finished The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger last night. It brought me to tears. I hate and love the way the end was so beautifully and heart-wrenchingly sad. Actually the entire book can be described that way. It's one of those novels that often read more like poetry than prose. It's also one of those that remind me why I love reading, one of those that make me wonder how I could have gone so long without reading anything this good.

I wanted to write about it as soon as I finished, but it was already late and I had to get to sleep. Then today (yesterday) was a busy day, so I didn't have time to sit down and blog either. It was only as I was fixing the fin stuff that for my turnover to Mich, when OneRepublic's Stop and Stare started playing on my iTunes that I felt the urge once more. It's not a song I'm particularly fond of or anything. But for some reason, it brought back that heavy, nostalgic feeling I get at the end of a good book, especially if it is a long one. It is a sadness that is not simply due to the nature of the ending, but also to the loss of the characters that have entered my life and have become a part of me. I remember feeling the same way for Aragorn and Frodo and Arwen after The Return of the King, for Harry and Ron and Hermione after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and even (I admit) for Bella and Edward at the end of Breaking Dawn.

I haven't been hit this hard by a novel in a while. Even Murakami's Norwegian Wood failed to touch me this much. I'd rather not read anything new for a while; I want to bask in the memory of Clare and Henry's story just a little while longer. Maybe I'll even read it all over again.

The movie's scheduled for release in August. I'm excited for it, and I know I'll enjoy it and probably cry some more. But of course, as these things usually go, the movie will be nowhere near as beautiful as the book.

Very good job on casting Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams as Henry and Clare, I think. Photo taken from

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sendoff 2009

I just got back from my third and last PMHS sendoff. As with the first two times, it definitely felt longer than an overnight trip. Possibly because, just like the first two times, I got very little sleep, most of which was had in the car on the way home.

What made this sendoff different was that I was a sendoffee this time. It felt really nice not to have to help prepare food, assemble souvenirs, or coordinate transpo. I didn't even have to pay for anything. :p That scav hunt they put us through was such a workout though. I initially just wanted to relax and not have to play any games or what, but I have to admit that I really enjoyed it. Especially since Tribe Kiat-Kiat won. Haha competitive forever. :p

I was so impressed by how the whole sendoff turned out, how the mems and inductees pulled everything off. The venue was really nice, not as far as last year's, and with a really pretty beach, too. The waves were the best! The food was great, especially that heavenly chocolate fondue. A lot of us just wanted to drink that chocolate straight. Transpo couldn't have been easy to fix, with so many mems and inductees in attendance, even if we were just ten sendoffees. The Survivor theme, from the welcoming spiel, to the scav hunt, to the touching AVP, to the candle torch ceremony, was truly inspired. And I love the souvenirs! The little Survivor dolls are the cutest. Thank you and congrats again, PMHS 09-10, if any of you happen to be reading this. :)

Thank you, love, for this weekend. As I've already told you, it meant the world to me that you came. Even if you injured my arm before we'd left UP. Haha! I took one for the team na ha? :) Thank you for taking care of me and not letting me drown in my drunken stupor. I really hope you had fun, too; I'm glad you enjoyed the waves, the fondue, and your ultimate frisbee. I really prayed for this sendoff, and you know why. I guess we've come full circle, huh? I couldn't be happier. I'm a lucky little ogress. :)

[EDIT 19 April, 8:34PM]

Thanks, Burn, for this picture. :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Busy summer

Two weeks of summer already, and there hasn't been much to write about. Or, there's been too much to write about that I haven't really had time to sit and document it all. It's hard to imagine that other people are in summer class, while I'm just here. Basking in freedom. Haha. Please excuse my gloating. :p I think I've earned it, after two years without summer, one of which was devoted to Bio 102.

But it's not as if I've just been bumming. I haven't even had the chance to clean out my room or my laptop yet. I still haven't seen the last two or three episodes of Gossip Girl. In fact, not much of my summer so far has been spent at home. As I mentioned previously, I attended the last Days batch. Though I left early, it was still a weekend well spent. Not long after was Holy Week, which my family and I spent in Crosswinds. Sadly, the weather in Tagaytay is not much different from Manila anymore. Hardly any need to bring a sweater. I miss January.

Ruari and I have been seeing each other more as well, and we're helping each other live a healthy summer lifestyle. We've jogged in UP a few times (he goes more often I do). On days that I can't, I try to do tae bo via my ancient Billy Blanks 30-minute workout video. I still think it's the perfect workout; I've done it so much that I think I can pretty much do it in my sleep. The diet is on as well. I've bought yogurt, fruit cups, light popcorn, Yakult, romaine lettuce, among others. I can't give up dessert and chocolate entirely, though. Especially now that Starbucks has revived their dark mocha frappuccino, which is such love.

I've also had to fix stuff for the grad party, which is next week already! I only realized today that I'm graduating next weekend and I haven't bought a dress dresses--and shoes! Time to do some shopping--again, much deserved, since I haven't really shopped since Christmas. Haha.

There's also the last of the my PMHS duties to fulfill. Fin report, allotment for our beneficiary, turnover of files to Mich. And sendoff is this weekend, I'm so excited. :) I actually just came home from our Execoun turnover, which we had at the Old Vine Grill in Eastwood. It was a good turnover this year. However, certain matters did arise and must be addressed.

Now, more than ever, I am so sure I made the right decision. I have absolutely no regrets. I don't know if it is bitterness you're showing, or you really just tend to act without thinking. It is as if words just come out of you without a second thought on the possible repercussions. Get your facts straight before you speak, please. I hate that I might be leaving on a sour note, but I can't deny how I feel. I was shaking when I was telling Ruari about it. I am both frustrated and disappointed. I don't think I deserve any of that. None of us do. And I doubt that any explanation of yours will satisfy me. A retraction perhaps, but not an explanation. You need to take it back.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Can I graduate?

I've been waiting all semester to answer the question posed by Third Eye Blind way back when. And the answer is

Unless I happen to fail 135 and/or chem lab, that is. Haha.

The point is, I'm done! I'm free, I'm finished with college forever. Karen, Mico, Lee-Ann, JoyBee and I finished our 135 proposal at around 3:00 AM yesterday morning, and were able to submit at 1:00 PM. It feels sooo good to have a little less to think about. It's finally summer! :D

I'm off to Days in a bit. I have mixed feelings about this batch. For one thing, it may most likely be my last time to be a committee head. A part of me is relieved, sad as it may sound. I guess growing up and moving on, even from one of the things I cherished most in college, is inevitable.

But as usual, I am thankful for this weekend. Though I'll be working, it's still a retreat, in every sense of the word. There are so many things, and so many people to pray for. Jess only knows.